Points: 1627
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Games (10)
Heavy Rain review

I'm hoping this game opens the floodgates. There's so much to love here with the story told through multiple narratives, gorgeous cinematics and shocking twists-- you can almost forgive the sloppy controls and plot holes big enough to drive a mack truck through. It's revolutionary though - I hope - and I want to see more games of this kind.

Shining Force review

I just bought this on my iPhone, and it holds up extremely well. The characters and storyline were never what made this game fun... it's all about the battles. One of my favorite tactical RPGs.

Unlimited SaGa review

I read a scathing review of this game and didn't believe it could be so bad. I was wrong. Complete pile of shit, possibly produced by a herd of interns with next to zero art budget.

Tales of Vesperia review

One of the few JRPGs I've played. I bought it because of the multiplayer aspect, but my friend didn't find the shared battles engaging enough, so I ended up going solo. It's forgettable after the fact, but playing through once was engaging. The whole package is also very well executed, and the art style is beautiful.

Chrono Cross review

Over fifty characters, and the one damn one I enjoyed playing gets taken away. Bah! It's an alright game, but it had almost impossibly large shoes to fill after the impeccable Chrono Trigger.

Final Fantasy Tactics review

Years after the fact, it's still probably the best tactical RPG ever. The battle system was fun enough to take me through multiple playthroughs. And of all the RPGs I played in my adolescence, the FFT storyline is one of the few I sometimes still think about -- the closest thing to Shakespearean in execution I've seen in an RPG.

Xenosaga Episode II: Jenseits von Gut und Bose review

The game that killed the series for me. Alas, Xenosaga, I was expecting so much more after the sublime Xenogears.

Fallout review

I recently had the pleasure of playing this for the first time-- after already being familiar with the next-gen iterations. The atmosphere and story achieved here are top notch... but, whew, the awful GUI just doesn't hold up, nor does the abysmal follower AI.

StarCraft: Brood War review

If I ever saw a printout of how many hours I spent playing this game, I think I'd throw up. Bonus: even after you've put this game on the shelf, watching pro replays on youtube is good for much more entertainment.

Sanitarium review

You can dig your old NES or Genesis out of the closet, but old computer games often plain don't work on a new rig. I feel lucky to have experienced this game-- one of my favorite point and click adventures ever. The story and even the graphics hold up very well, almost 15 years after its release.

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